Religious Tattoos

Rosary on Ankle on

People of varying faiths, religions have been getting tattoos for ages. To me, getting a tattoo of a religious symbol shouldn't be a fashion statement but a statement of the depth of your belief since you are wearing this tattoo for life and it does represent icons of faith. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with someone having religious tattoos, there are great ones out there. I just personally feel that these type of tattoos shouldn't be done on a whim and I'm not even an overly religious person.

Now here I will back track a bit. Tattooed crosses can be very interesting and intricate but not all crosses necessarily represent specific religion. Christians do not have the cross symbol trademarked so to speak not unless you add specific icons such as Christ in Crucifixion, etc. Otherwise it can just be a decorative cross. I'm speaking more of tattoos of Jesus, saints, Buddhas, things like that. I think you should have some belief backing these style of tattoos.

As always, tattoos are very personal and your reason for getting one is up to you regardless of the reasons behind getting one so I'm definitely not saying "don't get a religious tat unless you are a true believer" I just think this style of tattoo should have some respect attached to it.

Here are some religious tattoos that I think are very well done starting with rosary tattoos which seem to be very popular.

Religious Tattoos

The brainchild of religious tattoos may perhaps seem counterintuitive, pro several reasons – solitary is tattooing prohibited by a quantity of religions, such as Orthodox Judaism, but until recently, tattoos were associated with a imprecisely disreputable counterculture to seems next to odds with religion.However, religious symbols – Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or otherwise – are essentially quite widespread tattoo designs. It might catch unawares you to around 25% of all tattoos in America include a religious worth...

Nowadays, for the reason that tattooing has left mainstream, religious tattoos are not perfectly pro gang members – not by a long shot. Tattoos of Christian symbols, such as the bad-tempered and the ‘Jesus fish’, are a widespread way pro Christians to express their faith. And it doesn’t obstruct present – associates employ religious tattoos to express a distinguished variety of religious views.

Religious tattoos are solitary of the oldest forms of tattooing. Besides identification, medal and social standing, untimely tattoos absolutely had a spiritual principle. Tribal tattoos accessible
protection from the gods, even in the afterlife.

fantastic tattoos: tattoo christian

Christian crucifixion of Jesus tattoo

Christian crucifixion of Jesus tattoo

Christian Tattoo

Christian Tattoo

Christian Tattoo Pictures

Christian Tattoo Pictures

Last Supper Tattoo #1. Reproduced With Permission From Christian Rishel.

Last Supper Tattoo #1. Reproduced With Permission From Christian Rishel.

Christian tattoos: Wearing faith on your half-sleeve

Christian tattoos: Wearing faith on your half-sleeve

Christian Tattoos / A biblically-inspired business label for a tattoo artist.

Christian Tattoos / A biblically-inspired business label for a tattoo artist.

Dragonfly Tattoo Ideas

I decided to write this article after a friend of mine kept pestering me for some dragonfly tattoo ideas. I'm not really a creative person and utterly sick of her incessant badgering, I suggested that she pick the brain of a tattoo artist instead. I mean, what better way to get a bunch of cool design ideas then from the pros who ply their trade passionately every single day, right? Well, it turns out that there's an equally better way of acquiring breathtaking design ideas but I'll talk about that in a bit.

Anyway, my friend and I decided to pay a visit to one of our favorite tattoo shops and see what sort of ideas that the resident artist can come up with. As usual, the artist didn't disappoint and we were completely awed as he eloquently sketched out a few gorgeous dragonfly tattoo ideas on a piece of paper. Here are some of his sketches that got stuck in my memory:

A big circle in the shape of two dragonflies facing each other - Both dragonflies was rendered in contrasting colors with their wings intertwined. I thought it was a pretty remarkable design (albeit in roughed out sketch) and would've looked really awesome if the final product were place on either the breast plate or smack right on the shoulder (mid deltoid).

A cute little fairy reaching for a dragonfly - The artist roughed out some sketches of a baby fairy chasing after a dragonfly in various comic-book style angles. I think this a very cool fantasy piece and both creatures seemed to gel very well together.

Dragonfly perching on a flower - One of the most popular dragonfly tattoo ideas and has been done pretty much to death. Suffice to say; if I got paid a dollar for every dragonfly with flower tattoo that I've noticed over the years, I would've been a tycoon with a chain of tattoo studios under my belt. Nevertheless, it is still a time-tested design and the artist did a wonderful job of rendering both, the flower and dragonfly in a very stylistic approach with the latter's wingspan motif being the standout element of the entire creation. We also discovered that it is best not to complicate the dragonfly's wings by adding wordings on them as it'll make the whole design look extremely hokey.

Photo realistic dragonfly tattoo - Want a truly realistic looking dragonfly tattoo? Make sure you get yourself a reputable artist to handle the work. Since this type of design is highly intricate in nature, the size of the tattoo has to be reasonable big in order to accommodate all the details. Opting for a tattoo that is small but loaded with intricate designs is a big mistake as the lines will eventually thicken after several years, and you might just wind up with an ugly blot of ink permanently stamped on your body.

Tribal dragonfly tattoo - Not a good idea! According to the artist, this is one the lamest dragonfly tattoo ideas. I fully agree with him as Tribal tattoos are so common nowadays, hence they must be avoided if you're keen on having a tattoo that oozes originality. Oh, I did say that there's an equally better way of finding unique and gorgeous tattoo creations right? Here's a tip: You can find them in reputable online tattoo galleries. That's right; you don't even have to leave the house In order to find tons of great dragonfly tattoo ideas! Wish I learned about them earlier. My friend would have quit harassing me!

Dragonfly Tattoo

Dragonfly tattoo designs are wildly popular for women. They love the free, wild spirit that the dragonfly symbolizes. Many women who are getting their first tattoo might get a small dragonfly somewhere on their bodies, as it's a great tattoo to have but a small one is easy to cover up.

Then again, some women choose to have ultra large, shimmering dragonflies either on their lower backs, legs or even their stomachs.

Dragonfly tattoos can be many different colors, and for men that decide to get one, they can incorporate blues and greens. Women on the other hand, may decide to go with violet and purple colors. Any other color that a person wants to incorporate into their dragonfly tattoo is possible whether it's lavender, silver, blue, gray, orange or whatever you want.

The dragonfly is considered a symbol of stamina, as he goes all day long and never tires. Men or women who feel as if they never have the chance to sit and enjoy themselves may decide to choose from these types designs.

In Native American religions, individuals believe that each person has an animal or totem spirit, and many people have the carefree, determined spirit of the dragonfly.

This is a perfect reason to find some great designs to look through.

There are many different kinds, whether you want your dragonfly to be magical and accompanied by stardust, or a real tough cookie with flames and daggers.

Dragonfly tattoos are extremely popular, and as more and more people are getting their first tattoos and becoming addicted to skin art, the dragonfly is sure to become even more popular. You can find dragonfly tattoos on the internet, in tattoo magazines and in your local tattoo shop.

Dragonfly Tattoo Designs

For a very long time, women and tattoos were never really considered to go together. Women with tattoos were seen as masculine and were stereotyped as such. Nowadays though, tattoos have become popular with women with dragonfly tattoo designs being the most popular choice.

The reasons for getting a tattoo vary from person to person. Some do it as a way of expressing themselves. Others see it as a declaration of their freedom. Women get tattoos as a way to break away from the negative meanings tied with getting one. In other words, getting a tattoo is a matter of personal choice.

Dragonflies are playful little creatures regarded for their beauty and elegance. In Japanese culture, they are seen as the symbols of happiness and victory. They are symbols of good fortune, freedom and the affinity with spiritual matters. These meanings are often the basis for getting dragonfly tattoo designs.

These creatures are often found on bodies of water as they zip along the surface during the summer. Their wings often glitter when struck with sunlight which makes them elegant creatures. It is often these characteristics that people choose to have a dragonfly tattoo in the first place.

Dragonflies are often associated with beauty and strength. These traits, along with elegance and stamina are what women want to show to people. The dragonfly is also a creature of contradictions with its small stature but possessing strength. Many women identify this contradiction and see it as a part of them selves.

These designs come in a variety of styles and there is bound to be one that suits your personal style. The Japanese and tribal styles give it a more exotic look which gives it appeal. Other styles draw on fantasy themes which give it a more elegant look.

There are plenty of dragonfly tattoo designs to choose from and a quick search over the internet will confirm this. There are quite literally thousands of online galleries to choose from. This gives you a lot of opportunities to find the tattoo that suits you best. Keep in mind that there are free galleries and ones that need payment for access.

When it comes to tattoos, women tend to go for smaller ones. This has the advantage of being placed on just about any part of the body. This means it can be discreet in location which makes it very sexy. It can only be revealed depending on the mood of the wearer.